Hardcore Green Smoothie

Hardcore Green Smoothie

September 24, 2014

Just a warning…this smoothie is not for the novice smoothie drinker. Nor is it for the faint of heart.  Most smoothies have a combination of mostly fruit with some added greens.  This smoothie is more like a blended salad, or a cold soup.  It is ALL VEGGIES!  You heard me right.  All veggies.  That is, unless you get all technical on me and count the tomato, cucumber and avocado as the fruits that they really are.  OK…let’s say this.  It is all veggies and non-sweet fruit.  How’s that…better now?

This is something I try to drink on a regular basis to give myself energy and to ensure that I give my body the veggies that is so desperately needs to build up my health. And believe me, it works.  People tell me all the time how good I look and how beautiful my skin is.  I owe that all to what I choose to put in my body…and this is one of those things.

While my diet hasn’t been 100% (I won’t get into that now…it’s not too pretty), I am trying to have a smoothie every day. It could be a savory smoothie like this one, or a sweet one made with lots of luscious fruit.  Depends on what my body is looking for that day.

So, here’s how I made this smoothie. If you try this, you will have to adjust according to your tastes and what you have on hand.  For this smoothie, I used spinach, but I often use romaine lettuce or yummy kale, I’ll often throw some dandelion greens in (they are so great for your liver), but only mixed with another delish green.  They are way too bitter to use on their own.

Try to use all organic ingredients if you can.

1 large tomato (today was an organic yellow heirloom from the CSA)

1 cucumber (not organic)

1 stalk celery (organic from CSA)

1 large bunch spinach (organic from CSA)

1 small lemon (if not organic, peel…if organic, leave the peel on if you wish for the lovely essential oils)

2 cups Water

Pinch salt (high quality, such as Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan…none of that refined, crappy table salt)

1 T Wakame (this is a sea vegetable that I use to get iodine…don’t worry if you don’t have this)

½ Haas Avocado (not organic L)

Blend all ingredients (except for the avocado) on high until completely pulverized. I use a VitaMix for this, but you can use any blender…you may just have to blend a little longer.  It’s all good.

Once everything is blended, add the avocado and blend until just blended and creamy.

This recipe yields about 1 quart…and I drink the entire thing. Does a body good.

Let me know what type of smoothies you’re making.