Everyday Happy Herbivore – Spinach & Artichoke Frittata

Spinach & Artichoke Frittata from page 32

If you are not familiar with Happy Herbivore, you do not know what you are missing. I currently have three of the HH cookbooks in my repertoire. Happy Herbivore, Everyday Happy Herbivore, and Happy Herbivore Abroad. All of Lindsay’s recipes are low fat vegan, have easy to find ingredients, come together in a snap, and are, of course, absolutely delish.  She has a great website that she graciously shares her insight and her wonderful recipes.  Click here to pay her a visit.

This frittata has become a staple in our home. I had tried several different recipes that I had found for tofu frittatas, but they always fell short somehow. This one was absolutely perfect. Once you learn how to make this frittata, you can swap out the veggies very easily.

Frittata 5

We do prefer this recipe once it has had a chance to set up in the fridge overnight. But even if we decide one morning that we want it, I can have this on the table in about 75 minutes flat. It only takes about 15 minutes to blend up the tofu mixture, chop up the veggies, sauté the leek and 50-60 minutes to cook. We like it a bit browned on top, so I usually cook it for the full 60 minutes.

Frittata2 Frittata

At first, you are not quite sure how everything is going taste all together. But, one bite and you thing, Hmmm…this is pretty good. The combination just works. Second bite, and you are in vegan breakfast bliss. You know that this is going to come out of you kitchen many times in the future. The tofu is creamy and flavorful, the artichokes work nicely alongside the spinach…everything is right in the world. You realize that this is not just for breakfast. This can be breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


  • I always add sautéed leek. We love leek in this recipe.
  • As always, greens are interchangeable. Use what you like.
  • I usually add more greens than the recipe calls for.
  • We serve this frittata with Sriracha for a little kick. After all, what is a vegan kitchen without Sriracha?
  • We get 4 servings out of this as the recipe states. Your mileage may vary.