Cooking Through “The Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook” – Ann’s Oats With Grapes

Ann’s Oats With Grapes from page 43

Well, I was bound to come across another recipe that I didn’t like from The Prevent & Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook. This one was it.

Simple enough….rolled oats, grapes and ground chia or flax seed. The recipe has the option to add other fruit, such as banana or berries, but I was at work when I ate this and didn’t have any of those items on hand. Ann also gives an option to squeeze the juice from a grapefruit into the oats for a more wet cereal, but again, I did not have that one hand.

Anns Oats with Grapes

Yuck…this was so dry, I couldn’t get past the first spoonful. While the grapes tasted fine with the oats and definitely added enough sweetness, the grapes did not add enough moisture.

Luckily for me, I keep unsweetened almond milk at work. I just added some and let my oats sit for a few minutes. At least this way I didn’t waste any food and I still had something for breakfast. I don’t normally cook my oats anyway (unless they are steel cut), so this worked out fine for me.

No prep time at all for this one. Literally putting the oats and seeds in a bowl (in my case a coffee mug) and halving the grapes.


  • Just not a winner in my book.
  • If you decide to try this, be sure to have liquid on hand in case you need it.

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