Sunday is cooking day!!

Sunday is cooking day!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Yep! Sunday is cooking day.  Since I have started following a Whole Foods, Plant Based diet with no meat, chicken, fish, dairy or eggs and no added oil, we find it much easier to eat around here if I prepare on the weekend.  Then it’s easy to grab a healthy lunch, dinner or snack.  I am following a way of eating as taught by Dr. McDougall and Dr. Esselstyn.  Because I have heart disease, I also eat no nuts, seeds or..GASP!!… avocado.  The avocado is hard for me since I really love it. But, I love my heart more.  I am going to have to take the 2 ripe avocados that I have in the fridge and freeze them for the future.  Chris is in good health, so she does not need to be on such a strict eating plan for healing.  Basically, she will eat the same meals as I do with the addition of Greek yogurt and some cheese.

This week I made a few new things, all of which we were extremely happy with. I mean, really, how often does that happen?  I don’t know about you, but I usually try 2 or 3 new dishes and I’m lucky if one is a keeper.  This time, I think they all will be a part of our regular rotation.

We went to our local farmer’s market on Saturday and picked up a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge head of cauliflower and a big stalk of fresh Brussel sprouts, along with some kale. The kale is just beautiful this time of year.  And you can get a huge bunch for like $4 at the farmer’s market.  Can’t beat that for organic and locally grown.

OK….Here’s what I made this Sunday.

  • Roasted delicata squash (from CSA) with cinnamon and a touch of maple syrup
  • Roasted acorn squash (from CSA) with cinnamon and a touch of honey
  • Roasted Brussel sprouts
  • Roasted cauliflower

Now, here’s where the fun stuff comes in.

How do two people polish off a huge head of cauliflower in one day? Like this.

First, you roast up 3 trays of cauliflower florets. Then you make this friggin’ awesome Nacho Cheese Sauce from Fat Free Vegan –

Believe me when I tell you that this sauce is addictive. Chris and I couldn’t get enough of this.  I’m sorry that I didn’t make a double batch.  We have a fundraiser to attend on Thursday…I think I will make some and bring along veggies and ff pretzels to dip, since I know that I will most likely only be able to eat what I bring.

Before roasting the cauliflower, I had put aside a few cups of the beautiful white veggie to make this recipe I’ve been seeing people rave about. Cauli-Power Fettuccine Alfredo.  OMG!  I was shocked that something could be so rich and not have dairy in it.  OMG!  Really.  You need to get over to OhSheGlows and make this –  As we were eating this deliciousness, I was wishing that I had some broccoli to add.  Chris even mentioned adding peas, which I think would be delicious.

I made this Enchilada Casserole from Spark –  One thing I forgot to do was add the corn tortillas on top. Damn…and I have them, too!  Oh well…it was still pretty damn delicious.  We had that last night, Monday, for dinner and will have the leftovers for lunch today.  I don’t know if I can wait.  Perhaps I’ll just eat it for breakfast.