It’s CSA Tuesday!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

It’s CSA Tuesday!!

That’s right! Today is the day that I pick my veggie share up from the CSA (community supported agriculture).  I really do get excited each and every Tuesday.  I guess I’m a little geeky when it comes to my veggies.  I just got back and I have my score soaking in fresh water (it’s sooooo dirty).

So, today’s share is as follows:

2 small heads red leaf lettuce

1 purple eggplant (I will add this to the other 2 I have and make a vegan eggplant parm)

1 green cabbage

1 bunch spinach (will gleefully add this to tonight’s dinner)

1 delicata squash (one of my faves)

1 bunch salad turnips (we don’t like these…I give them to the woman who runs the CSA)

2 heirloom tomatoes

2 lbs. regular tomatoes

1 bunch cilantro

3 lbs. red potatoes

2 heads garlic

2 bell peppers

1 head kale

Extra – habanero peppers (I love this pepper in my green juice)

I am definitely adding that spinach to our dinner tonight of smoky butternut squash and black beans. It’s going to be epic!  I was hoping that we would get spinach.  The spinach from the CSA is so much more flavorful than store bought.

Healthy, Oil-Free Veggie Fried Rice

Healthy, Oil-Free Veggie Fried Rice

¼ cup vegetable broth

1 onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 inch piece of ginger, minced

1 red bell pepper, diced

1 carrot, diced or shredded

4 cups brown rice, cooked

2 cups edamame, from frozen

4 tablespoons tamari

Using a skillet on medium heat, add a little bit of the broth and onions. Cook 5 minutes until onions are soft, adding more broth as needed to prevent sticking.

Add garlic, ginger, pepper and carrot. Cook 5 minutes.

Add cooked rice, edamame and tamari.

Stir until combined and heated through.

Note: The edamame was an afterthought.  I was going to add baked tofu, but I saw the bag of edamame sitting in the freezer and it was calling my name.  The possibilities here are endless.  Feel free to add whatever veggies and protein that you have on hand and would like to use.

All About My Dates

All About My Dates

September 30, 2014

I couldn’t be more excited! Why, you ask?  Because it’s date season.  Now, I know I can go to the store any time of year and purchase dates…and I have.  They are not bad.  But, you know what?  I don’t know how long those dates have been in storage.  They seem fresh, but who knows?  Let me tell you why I like to use dates and then I’ll tell you where I order the best, freshest dates in the US.

When I need a sweetener for a tonic, breakfast, desert…whatever…I would rather use a whole food, if I can, instead of refined sugar. My whole food sweetener of choice is dates.  I love dates. Specifically, Medjool dates.  Along with the wonderful sweetness, you get 66 calories, 18 grams of carbs, 2 grams of fiber, 16 grams of sugar and 0 fat and cholesterol.  You also get a little bit of iron, calcium and vitamin A.  Not bad for one sweet little nugget.

One of my favorite raw breakfasts is to throw some apples and dates into the food processor and sprinkle with some cinnamon. Yum…I can’t think of a better breakfast in the Autumn with fresh dates and apples from the farmers market.

Now, some people have said to me…but Rachelle…that’s too much sugar. I’m better off just using regular table sugar.  Oh contraire.  Sure, table sugar may come in a little lower in some areas with 1 teaspoon giving you 15 calories and 4 grams of carbs…all from sugar.  That’s it.  Nothing else.  Nada.  No nutritional value whatsoever.

I choose to have my sweetener more natural, less refined, and with some nutritional value still present. If I do want to cut down on sugar consumption, or I need to sweeten a liquid, I use Stevia…but that’s another post altogether.

Like I said, I have purchased my dates at the store during off season, but I’m paying a premium for fruit that I’m not particularly sure is fresh. I prefer to order my organic from the Bautista Family at 7 Hot Dates in Mecca, CA.  They have numerous types of dates and you can order in different quantities.  They are quite inexpensive compared to my local stores and shipping is included in the price.  I usually order 15-20 lbs. and they last in the refrigerator a very long time.

If you are using dates, do yourself a favor and visit the Bautista Family at

I promise, you will not be disappointed.